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Land Registry upgrades customer portal


Mark Say Managing Editor

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Land Registry logo
Image source: GOV.UK, Open Government Licence v3.0

HM Land Registry has developed a number of new options for customers managing their applications through its online portal.

It said the upgrades have been based on customer feedback and will make it easier to submit and manage applications.

They include a change in the way the estimated completion date is calculated to make it more accurate and provide more clarity, and that the date displayed will be more specific to the type of application submitted.

Another is the provision of new filters in the ‘view applications’ function, with one under requisitions to see where Land Registry has requested further information, and one for warnings of cancellations due to unfulfilled requests for further information.

In submission

There is a new ‘in submission’ status for Digital Registration Service applications, reflecting the fact that some take a little longer to submit than others, and a status update for ‘in submission’ on the ‘saved applications’ screen.

The file size limit on the portal has been increased from 20MB to 40MB to provide greater flexibility when uploading documents.

The change in completion date calculation and the file size also been applied to Land Registry’s Business Gateway APIs.

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