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LGA launches digitalisation framework for councils


Mark Say Managing Editor

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Image source: Soellner

The Local Government Association (LGA) has published a Local Government Digitalisation Framework to support councils in their use of digital technology.

It includes three missions, six common enablers and six good practice principles, aimed at the development of a shared language approach.

The framework has been produced to build on recommendations in the LGA’s recently published white paper on recommendations for central government’s relationship with local government.

The missions involve councils utilising digital technology and data to transform services, residents thriving with digital skills, tools and opportunities, and digitally equipped places underpinned by secure and sustainable connectivity and infrastructure.

Enablers are in: the use of data and analytics; connectivity for all residents and businesses; leadership with robust governance to manage accountability and risk; capability within councils involving skills, knowledge and resources; collaboration between councils and with public, private and community partners; and ensuring digital investments provider tangible benefits and good value for money.

The principles for good practice are that the use of digital technology and data should be democratic, ethical, inclusive, sustainable, cyber-resilient and user-centric.

Constant innovation

Cllr Alex Coley, deputy chair of the LGA’s improvement and innovation board, said: “Councils are constantly innovating to develop new solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing residents and their communities, but too often these face hurdles or extra costs. 

“The digital transformation of an entire sector is a collective endeavour which relies on a shared vision, an inclusive approach and commitment to innovation. 

“The LGA’s framework for securing the digital future of local government sets a clear direction for a long and complex journey. We know the rewards of digitalisation can be immense but depend on the sector’s ability to shape its own destiny and navigate the digital landscape as an active participant.

“These missions are a declaration of intent and a tangible commitment to taking bold collective action on digitalisation to deliver services more efficiently, engage more effectively and create thriving communities well-equipped for the 21st century.”

The LGA’s recent white paper included a recommendation for the creation of a Local Government Centre for Digital Technology to complement the Government Digital Service for central government.


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