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Provide your perspective on APIs for public services


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Digital and data leaders in the public sector have long seen the value in application programming interfaces, but they continue to feel frustrations in efforts to make them widely available.

APIs can be a great asset in transformation, providing an efficient channel for the sharing of data and supporting the integration of systems for better services, the development of new digital offerings and improving the citizen experience.

But there are complaints about the unwillingness of legacy system suppliers to provide them, problems with standards, questions around how to make the provision a regular part of procurement, and a need for more in-house skills to develop APIs.

UKAuthority is partnering with digital transformation specialists Cognizant in a research project to provide an in-depth picture of the progress in recent years, the issues affecting implementation, and ways to overcome the barriers.

It includes a survey of our readers in which they can share their perspectives and add to the overall picture – a step towards the sector as a whole obtaining a clearer view of the landscape and accelerating the deployment of APIs.

You can contribute by taking part in the survey, providing your view on the key questions on the advantages, progress, barriers, standards and skills – and helping to build a clear picture to help you and your peers to move forward on the issue.

We value the input of all public and third sector participants. The link to the survey is here.


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