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Setting data free for better public services


Sian Williams Head of Events

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Data has long been recognised as a valuable asset for the public sector, and as its volume grows exponentially so does its potential value - and the cost of storing and managing it.

As data becomes available from more and more sources it provides opportunities for deeper insights to support planning and more effective integration between different services. Advances in technology are adding to the capabilities of data sharing and the provision of open data.

But organisations are finding it hard to realise the potential. As the volume of data grows, the challenge to ensure it is collected, and processed with the right security and governance in place becomes more daunting. There are also big questions around ensuring the core data is platform agnostic so that it does not get locked up in legacy systems, how it is best managed and shared in the cloud, and how is it possible to locate and effectively summarise the key elements from a vast pool of data.

Dealing with these comes at a significant cost, and with the tight financial outlook for the public sector it will be difficult for organisations to deal with the issues – but not impossible.

So what approaches and which technology solutions can help public authorities to set their data free while ensuring it remains manageable?

Investigating how to set our data free

Partnering with data platform provider Cribl and software development company Netbuilder,

UKAuthority will be investigating the issues through its UKA Live discussion on 19th July, ‘Set your data free’. Broadcasting live between 11.00-12.00, it will bring together a panel of experts including:

  • Owen Powell, ICT Director at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
  • Berwyn Jones, Head of UK Public Sector at Cribl
  • Richard Woolham, Lead Product Owner at DWP Digital
  • Stuart Bowell, Global Head of Observability, Netbuilder
  • Helen Olsen Bedford, Publisher, UKAuthority 

Audience members watching live will be able to participate with questions and comments, helping to shape the direction of the debate and share their own perspectives on the issues.

It provides a great opportunity to strengthen your understanding of a crucial issue for the public sector. You can sign up to watch the event live here.



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