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techUK and Police Digital Service renew partnership


Mark Say Managing Editor

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Police officers
Image source: A Jackson

IT industry association techUK and the Police Digital Service (PDS) have renewed their strategic partnership.

They first came to agreement in 2021 to develop strategically aligned and sustainable commercial arrangements between the police and the IT industry, with a more transparent and accessible market.

One element of the partnership has been the involvement of PDS in techUK working groups and the latter’s participation in the annual PDS Summit.

techUK said that over the past three years the partnership has provided a clear connection and communication channel between the industry and policing.

Its markets director, Matthew Evans, said: “Over the past three years, we have worked closely with the PDS team, and we want to celebrate the outstanding job we have done to reach this stage. This new formal agreement enables further collaboration between PDS, as a central coordinating organisation for UK policing, and techUK, the industry voice and national champion for technology innovation.”


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